How to use content marketing to promote your event
When Creating and organising an event, it’s important to make sure everyone attending your event is enriched or effected by the event. Those who provide content feel they have delivered it confidently and effectively, those asking for content have their questions answered and finally those learning from the content learn relevant information.
Events can house a huge variety of enriching opportunities that can broaden your horizon, as well as expose you to information and fields that were completely new to you and others. These events are beneficial to both those attending and those presenting. It is important when attending events to make sure you know what is available to you and which events are going to engage and educate you. In this article we will look at how organisers or events can make sure that their event is known and they are accommodating to everyone attending.
Know your goals
When organising an event, it is important to take time before starting the actual plan, make sure you know what you want to achieve with the event and then work backwards. Once you know what you want to achieve to can then create the steps to reach that goal in the most efficient way.
Themes are very important when it comes to events, a theme can be used through-out an event to create a continuous professional atmosphere. The speakers can use themes and base their speeches around this, this could make sure people know which speakers they want to see and so they can plan their route and day for the event. By including Q&A sessions to the end of each speech or session people are able to ask their own questions which can expand their knowledge further, as well as inform the speakers what their presentation is missing and how they can improve what to include in addition to what they already have.
Information about the Event
People will be more likely to attend an event if they know information about it. Quite simply try to provide as much information about the event as you can. This includes names of speakers, what they are presenting (content), start and end times and how you can learn more about the event. This will make sure people will know how to plan their day so that they can see all the sessions that are relevant to want they want to learn or experience. Additionally, express how the attendees can get involved with the event, use social contests and special offers for products and services when they attend the event. This will encourage people to attend.
Encourage people to bring laptops, phones and notepads to allow the event to be shared through their media and push them to take notes so that your event is memorable and worth their time, because you want to advertise that this event and its content is worth remembering.
By creating hashtags based around your event and its theme you can engage with the attendees during breaks and through-out the time the event is on. The hashtags used will inform people of the event who aren’t attending and encourage them to attend event in the future.
On-going Planning
An event isn’t thrown together in a week or even in a month. It can take months of planning to just prepare a basic event. As an event planner you need to make sure everything at the event will flow smoothly and how it is planned. The only way to do this effectively is to plan and meet with everyone that will be involved in the event and working with them in the weeks running up to the event. Meets with your team, speakers and sponsors for the event so that you can discuss the theme and how you will be presenting everyone at the event. You need to make sure the speakers are relaying relevant information that coincides with both your event and its theme. To guarantee this meet with the speakers and go through their sessions with them to see what they have done well and where they could improve. Make sure when you set goals everyone is aware of this so that everyone can help work towards that goal as a group. Makes sure the keynote speaker is aware of the theme and uses it in their speech.
Through hard work and perseverance, you can create a very successful event that engages attendees and offers great opportunity to create new and unique content that only you can offer. However, this isn’t something that can be down over the course of a week. You as a planner will need to get a team together that share common goals and know what you want to achieve before, during and after the event.
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