comparing SEO agency pricing models to find which is most suitable for businesses

All SEO agencies are different and may not use the same pricing models. Two common models are hourly contracts and keyword volume packages. In this blog post, we will compare the pros and cons of these two models to help businesses decide which one is best for their needs.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. By improving a website’s ranking on search engines like Google, businesses can attract more traffic, generate leads, and increase sales. SEO agencies offer a range of services, from technical optimizations to content creation and link building. 

Hourly SEO Contracts

Hourly contracts are a pricing model commonly used by SEO agencies. With this model, the agency charges the client based on the amount of time spent working on their project. Typically, agencies will provide an estimate of how many hours a project will take. The final cost will depend on the actual time spent. This pricing model can provide businesses with greater flexibility, as the agency can adjust the work based on the client’s needs and budget. Additionally, clients only pay for the time the agency spends working on their project, which can make this model more cost-effective for businesses with limited budgets or unclear project scopes. If you’re working with an honest agency, and they finish the work within the estimated time, you may also end up saving money with an hourly contract pricing model.

However, there are also some disadvantages to this pricing model. Clients may feel uncertain about the total cost of the project, as it is difficult to predict how long the work will take. Additionally, agencies may be incentivized to work slower to increase their revenue, which can lead to inefficiencies and delays. Despite these drawbacks, hourly contracts can be a good fit for businesses with a range of tasks that may require varying amounts of time.

Keyword Volume SEO Packages

Keyword volume packages are another popular pricing model used by SEO agencies. This model charges clients based on the number of keywords the agency targets for the client’s website. Typically, the agency will provide a list of keywords (through keyword research) and a fixed price for the optimization the website. The agency will then work on optimizing the website and creating content to help the website rank for those keywords. This pricing model provides clients with a clear understanding of what they are paying for. However, clients are locked into a specific number of keywords. This may limit flexibility and not be cost-effective for businesses targeting a large number of keywords.

Despite its limitations, the keyword volume package pricing model can be a good fit for businesses with a clear understanding of their goals and specific keyword targets. For example, an established business that wants to increase its rankings for a specific set of high-value keywords may benefit from this pricing model. Similarly, businesses in highly competitive industries may find it more cost-effective to focus on a smaller set of high-value keywords.

Comparing The Two SEO Pricing Models

Pros and Cons

Hourly ContractsKeyword Volume Packages
Pros– More flexible, as the agency can adjust their work based on the client’s needs and budget- Clients only pay for the time the agency spends working on their project– Clear deliverables and goals
– Clients can easily understand what they are paying for
– Can be more cost-effective for clients targeting a smaller number of keywords
Cons– Clients may feel uncertain about the total cost of the project, as it is difficult to predict how long the work will take- Agencies may be incentivized to work slower to increase their revenue- May be more expensive for clients targeting a larger number of keywords– Less flexibility, as clients may be locked into a specific number of keywords- Agencies may prioritize achieving the target number of keywords over overall effectiveness- May be less cost-effective for clients targeting a larger number of keywords
Best For– Clients with a limited budget- Clients who are unsure of the amount of work needed to achieve their goals- Clients who want more control over the project- Projects with a wide range of tasks that may require varying amounts of time– Clients with a clear understanding of their goals- Clients who want a clear outline of what they will be receiving for their money- Clients who are focused on achieving a specific set of keywords- Projects with a clear set of objectives that can be achieved by targeting a specific set of keywords

Direct Comparison

Hourly ContractsKeyword Volume Packages
FlexibilityHigh – agency can adjust work based on client needs/budgetLow – clients are locked into a specific number of keywords
Clear deliverablesLow – clients may be uncertain about total project costHigh – clients know exactly what they’re paying for
Cost-effectivenessHigh – can be more cost-effective for clients targeting few KWsLow – may be less cost-effective for clients targeting many KWs
PrioritizationLow – agency may prioritize tasks based on revenue potentialHigh – agency may prioritize achieving target KWs over effectiveness
Best forClients with limited budget and/or unclear project scopeClients with clear understanding of goals and specific KW targets
Examples of businessesSmall businesses, startups, clients on a tight budgetEstablished businesses, clients with clear KW targets


In conclusion, SEO has become an essential aspect of online marketing for businesses of all sizes. It can lead to increased website traffic, generate leads, and boost sales. However, it’s important to keep in mind that SEO is a long-term process, and results won’t happen overnight. To maximize the chances of success, it’s crucial to work with an SEO agency or specialist that you trust and have a good relationship with. 

Whichever SEO pricing model you choose a strong partnership with your SEO provider is essential for achieving your goals. Invest time in finding an SEO provider that suits your business and ensure that they can assist you in navigating the intricate realm of SEO.


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